By coincidence I was referred to Dr. Debby Feinberg because I mentioned to my ENT (Dr. Rosner) at my first visit with him that I experience frequent headaches and occasional dizzy spells. After reading up on Vertical Heterophoria on this website, I was pretty much convinced I had the condition prior to my first appointment with Dr. Debby.
For a number of years, I have been unable to enjoy Concerts or Sporting Events because I experience anxiety attacks for no apparent reason. I swore at the last Concert (which I had to leave because I was so nauseous) that I would never waist another penny on tickets (this happened to be an $80 ticket to see U2, my favorite band). I am always known to hit my head on stuff, like the car door when I’m getting in, because I didn’t duck down enough. I thought I was just clumsy!
I also experienced daily neck and shoulder pain (due to head tilt I now know) so severe that I actually seen a plastic surgeon a few years ago about getting a breast reduction because I thought they were the culprit. And most importantly I was having a very difficult time doing my job, which requires me to stare at a computer all day, because of my constant headaches and eye strain although I already wore glasses. I had such a hard time concentrating on my work that I was actually thinking about switching careers because it bothered me so much.
I’m here to say that after wearing prism clips over my old glasses for only 5 days (since my new one’s aren’t ready yet), that my neck and shoulder pain and headaches were completely gone by day 1!!!! I truly feel that this is a miracle. I wish that this was a more well known condition so I wouldn’t have had to suffer from all of these things for so long. I can’t wait to get my first pair of glasses and see how many other things improve!
– J.E., 31 year old female