I had been bedridden for five weeks before seeing Dr. Debby.
I had a myriad of tests at an Ears, Nose, and Throat doctor’s office and an x-ray of my brain with no answers for my vertigo.
After fitting numerous test lenses on my eyes, I was able to walk down the hallway in Vision Specialists for the first time. I was both shocked and thrilled to learn that my eyes were the cause of my vertigo and that prism glasses were the solution.
After receiving my glasses, the achy, pulling occurring behind my right eye and in my jaw went away! The pain down the right side of my neck into my shoulder and around my scapula left in about fifteen minutes. I felt the tension melt in my head, neck and shoulders. I was able to relax.
It took me three prescription changes and about four months until the vertigo went away. I would say that I am now 100% improved. Dr. Debby Feinberg and her staff are an amazing group of professionals I will forever be grateful for the care, patience, and kindness they have shown me.
– K.Z., 46 year old female