I just met with Dr. Debbie for the first time today. I can honestly say that she has changed my life forever, and for that, I am truly grateful. I have experienced dizziness and headaches since the age of 13. After seeing numerous specialists for the dizziness, and never really getting a clear answer as to what the problem was, I simply gave up and assumed this was just the way that life was going to be.
I was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and was told that the reason for both the dizziness and the headaches could be due to the disease. Because I never had an answer for the root cause of these problems, I accepted that the MS was the reason. Shortly after the MS diagnosis, my symptoms got worse. The muscles in my neck and shoulder would tighten up and cause even worse headache issues. I also experienced the nauseating symptom of my left eye ‘dancing’ around. I saw two neuro-opthalmologists, and both of them told me that everything checked out fine. I was miserable, and once again, began to think that this was just the way that my life was going to be.
Fortunately, the Neuromuscular Skeletal doctor that I was seeing for the muscle aches in my neck and shoulder had heard of Dr. Debbie’s work, and insisted that I check out her practice. He was convinced that I was a candidate for prisms…and I’m so happy to say that he was right!
I met with Dr. Debbie today, and left with a pair of loaner clip-on lenses. I’m thrilled already, and can hardly wait until my real lenses come in. I immediately noticed relaxation in my neck and shoulder muscles…they’re still a bit tense, but I’m hopeful that they’ll continue to relax as time goes on.
My dizziness has been eliminated almost completely, and my eye no longer dances around while trying to focus on things. This has truly changed my life. Thank you Dr. Debbie for promoting such a profound form of eye care. You truly are a blessing!
– J.P. Age 33