While sustaining a concussion can entail losing consciousness, it affects your body – and your brain – in many other ways. One way is visual – it can affect how the brain recognizes and interprets visual signals. When your brain is not interpreting visual cues correctly, your sight is negatively affected. This, in turn, interferes with your balance and can lead to problems with gait and balance, including falling.
First Symptoms: Headaches, Dizziness & Nausea
Whether your concussion was mild or severe, you can develop multiple symptoms. The first symptom you may notice after experiencing a concussion is a lingering headache. You may also feel dizzy, disoriented and nauseous. Additional symptoms can range from sensitivity to light and noise to anxiety, fatigue, poor concentration, insomnia and irritability. Your symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to weeks or even months and years. Those who have suffered for longer than three months are diagnosed as having post-concussive syndrome, and many of these people have binocular vision dysfunction (BVD), which is a condition that causes problems with how the eyes work together as a team and can be a cause of the concussion symptoms.
Treating Binocular Vision Dysfunction With Prismatic Lenses
At Vision Specialists of Michigan, we have discovered that treating the binocular vision dysfunction with prismatic lenses leads to a marked reduction in post-concussive symptoms. During the initial exam, symptoms reduce about 50% for the average person, and by the end of treatment symptoms are 80% reduced.
Our Approach at Vision Specialists of Michigan
Post-concussive syndrome can have long-lasting effects on your health, extending beyond physical symptoms to mental anxiety and discomfort in performing daily tasks. Losing your ability to understand your environment via visual cues can do that to you! Our team of specially trained eye doctors and staff recognize this and understand how difficult this can be for you and your loved ones. When you come to our center, we will help you overcome these fears by first meeting with you and learning about your symptoms, then educating you so you can better understand your vision. Then we conduct a NeuroVisual examination to properly assess your symptoms and determine the best course of action for you.
Contact Us Today
Learn more about post-concussive syndrome and its symptoms by calling Vision Specialists of Michigan at (248) 258-9000. One of our trained staff will answer all your questions and schedule an appointment for your NeuroVisual evaluation.